Nile River Water Threatened by Climate Change
Although ancient and legendary it’s future is in peril — Nile River water threatened by climate change. A north-flowing river in Africa, the Nile is one of the world’s longest…
Exoplanet Atmosphere Contains Water Vapor Scientists Confirm
A recent discovery by two independent teams of scientists has confirmed that an exoplanet atmosphere contains water. The transiting planet, called K2-18b, orbits in what’s called the “habitable zone” of…
Climate Change Impact on Soil Could Be Far-Reaching
The impact of climate change is known to be far-reaching with effects on our coastlines, oceans, local ecosystems, weather patterns, and even human health. And now climate change impact on…
Water Crisis on US Mexico Border – Facing Water Zero
Scientists are worried about an expanding list of countries at a significant risk of hitting “Day Zero.” Day Zero is the day a country runs out of water and no…
The Ocean Clean Up Project Uses Innovative Approach
The Ocean Clean Up Project hopes to rid the ocean of plastic by 2050, and a fleet of floating booms may be one answer to the pollution in our oceans. Designed…
Access to Clean Drinking Water is a Growing Crisis for Many Countries
Access to clean drinking water is a growing crisis in seventeen countries, including India, Israel, and Eritrea. These 17 countries are home to more than a quarter of the world’s…
Up Next: Drinking Water in Aluminum Cans
Soon, you’ll be drinking water in aluminum cans. Coca-Cola’s Dasani brand is rolling out a three-part strategy to use mostly recycled material for its water bottles by 2030. For the first…
WHO Weighs In – Microplastics in Bottled Water
Many people think that the water inside plastic drinking bottles is cleaner and safer than tap water. But most of us have never considered that we might actually be drinking…
Contaminated Water at Fukushima Still a Problem for Japan
An excess of contaminated water at Fukushima nuclear plant owned by Tokyo Electric Power is holding up progress on environmental clean-up of the site. Japan is resuming efforts to consider…
Norovirus – There’s an App for That
What’s in your drinking water? Hopefully, there are no norovirus particles, but how do you know? Norovirus is a common cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrheal infections. In…